St. Vincent’s Charity Cycle: Pedalling for a Cause

At St. Vincent’s, we’re firm believers that real change begins at the grassroots. Whether through the services we provide or our engagement with the community, we strive to make a difference. This month, we took that mission to the streets—literally—by participating in a charity cycle to raise funds for two causes that are very close to our hearts: mental health awareness and animal rescue.

The Challenge: 52km for Mental Health and Dog Rescue

Our Scotland-based team cycled 52 kilometres in support of two incredible organisations: Mental Health Innovations and Second Chance Dog Rescue. The physical challenge of the ride was demanding, but our deeper purpose motivated us to keep going.

We weren't cycling just for personal fitness or to cross an item off our to-do list. This journey was about raising awareness for two important causes—mental health and animal welfare—while demonstrating our commitment to helping both people and animals in need.

Riding for Two Important Causes

We carefully chose Mental Health Innovations and Second Chance Dog Rescue because of their profound impact on the communities they serve. Through our JustGiving page, we've raised £1395 so far, and the donations are still coming in! You can still contribute here.

Mental Health Innovations

Mental Health Innovations is an amazing organisation that uses digital innovation to improve mental health support. They run Shout 85258, a free 24/7 text messaging service that provides confidential help to people in crisis. In a world where mental health support often involves waiting lists and multiple hurdles, St. Vincent’s wanted to support a charity that provides immediate, accessible help for those struggling with their mental health.

Second Chance Dog Rescue

At St. Vincent’s, we love dogs—just take a look at our website and you’ll see how much they mean to our team! Supporting Second Chance Dog Rescue was a natural choice for us. This charity is dedicated to finding homes for abandoned dogs, giving them a second chance at life. We truly believe that when dogs find new homes, it helps the humans who adopt them just as much as it helps the dogs. Pets, and dogs in particular, are known to have an incredible impact on mental health. They provide companionship, reduce stress, and offer unconditional love—benefits we believe everyone deserves.


The Weather: Mostly Smooth Until the Final Stretch

While most of the ride blessed us with pleasant weather, the final 30 minutes brought a bit of a challenge in the form of rain. Despite the downpour, our team powered through, motivated by the incredible support we had received and the important causes we were riding for. The rain may have slowed us down, but it didn’t dampen our spirits!

Team Spirit and Personal Challenges

One of the most rewarding aspects of this cycle was the sense of community and teamwork. As a team that's not particularly athletic, the ride was certainly challenging for us. We faced personal hurdles, from exhaustion to steep hills, and the rain in the last stretch didn’t make it any easier. But we pushed through, motivated by our shared goal of making a difference. The encouragement from friends, family, and supporters cheering us on—both virtually and in person—made every kilometre worth it.

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What’s Next?

Though the charity cycle is behind us, our commitment to supporting meaningful causes remains strong. While we aren’t committing to any particular charity for our next initiative, we are definitely going to continue to have a focus on healthcare.

If you haven’t had the chance to donate yet, it’s not too late! Head over to our JustGiving page and contribute whatever you can. Every donation—no matter the size—helps improve mental health services and give abandoned dogs a second chance at life.

Thank You for Your Support

Finally, we want to extend a massive thank you to everyone who participated, donated, and supported this event. Whether you cycled, cheered, or donated, your involvement helped make this charity cycle a success. Together, we’re making strides towards a better, more compassionate world—one where mental health and life in all forms is valued.

Let’s keep the momentum going and continue to pedal forward for these important causes.

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