Pulse - New Solution

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust adds its second solution to Pulse, the Digital Solutions Hub

As Pulse grows in size, a 2nd solution was added by the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.

We've added - The Anti-Microbial Stewardship Dashboard MPage which allows Trusts to view Inpatient and Daycase encounters with active medications for antibiotic or antifungal drugs

Other benefits include:

Allows staff to act quickly by providing a hospital broad view of Anti-Microbial information in a single place

Provides the ability to access more detailed patient information quickly

Reducing the number of clicks when navigating and actioning clinical activities (historically spread across different sections of the chart)

Reduces the need for manual maintenance of Anti-Microbial lists

Provides the ability to customise the list based on user or clinical needs

Available now

We're happy to announce it's accessible to download now if you have been given access to the Pulse Catalogue - where you can find all solutions.

Not got access yet? Click here - Link

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